[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

It is what it is, but yeah, I still posted my conclusions from said post. I am just pissed that I lost all that effort

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I know how that feels Gorta and I’m sorry to hear that you lost all that effort.

. . . . you can’t shoot yourself before you get lynched -_-

and if you don’t like isoing people then just don’t derail and spam thread seriously im not going to repeat myself

so you’re saying his posts are always very ai? can u explain how he’s not acting townie tho

are you using meta based off of previous games or are you trying to read his tone/intentions

and i dont really use meta to read ppl (at least rn) cause i haven’t been here for a while so idk ppl’s meta as well anymore so it’d just be a hindrance

Seth is very readable off of tone

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From experience playing with Seth yes.

I’m using both though Seth is more easily meta read than tone/intention read.

I do agree seth is someone you can get a good feel for their alignment based off of their D1 easily and most people know this and is why he is a top wagon right now and going to be lynched.

Wait Derps. If u said u would shoot urself before u got lynched. Wtf havent u shot Mode like u said u would

Anyway enough talk /vote ModeShifter .

Night vig

If I thought I would be lynched the next day I’ll vig myself

because a ban shot is flipless

Oh ok the wording there felt day vigish

You need to vote in the vote thread.

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Derps claimed to have a ban shot, which leaves no flip on death

I have a night shot which makes it a ban shot

can u link me the post btw (also any posts u think are important or good to read)

also same for u, what makes u sr mode

i get that ppl just have gut reads or smth but having everyone just post “i think x is wolf based on posts” with no real explanation means we just have to take your word for it and no one’s gonna wanna read thru all 5k posts

just a simple explanation would help lots, especially since idek who he is

I did have Cloned as a SL, but his posts today felt off, but sure

Missed a chance to say Marshal Law die scum

@MaximusPrime this one

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Light did you read my post to you?

I have provided multiple ISOs and a readlist, is that good enough?