[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

While I do agree with what you’re saying, it would help to provide examples to support your argument.

this moment here hes given good reads here in my opinion still scrolling for the other

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I am never lockscum Alice. Mode’s flip has no bearing on my own. Even if he’s town, it doesn’t mean I’m scum. It doesn’t change how I acted one bit.

I’m really worried about the wagon composition right now

Not a single CW kinda worries me

this post is physically revolting

Seth is obvious when he’s group scum from my games with him.
I wouldn’t be surprised if his partners bussed him for town cred at this point.

I was parodying your posts in Insurgency lol.

I can see bussing but like

Not a single CW

No resistance whatsoever

I don’t like it

like theres cws in mind, but none in practice. Like Italy is a huge one. But has no traction as like Seth is more obvious

What worries me is Alice’s tone. I can’t imagine a world where a t!Alice based her impression on me based on what Mode flips here.

How? I see a lot of villagers who react like this when they’re pre-flipped V/W with another player.

I’m a bit worried about Alice to tbqh

Felt like a textbook response

Ah. So you weren’t being serious. You did good. You sounded just like I did in Insurgency.

Italy’s wagon pretty much died pretty fast and everyone went to Seth.

there has been resistance
multiple people brought up potential other options

in case of mode
should they be scum, it’s almost guaranteed that scum think it’s a lost cause and are either bussing or just completely abandoning the slot

ugh i forgot how annoying it was to find a specific post i was looking for what he put about italy to even quote but im having a hard time finding it

Have you tried filtering posts by player?

i have

I see how ridiculous I looked in Insurgency now Alice.