[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

You’re being ultra annoying which is what a jesterlike role does. You’ve done nothing to help the town find scum.

I really doubt Eevee would throw in a jester role, almost no one likes them

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yah just from how hes been typing recently there has to be a jester like role in this mafia game


how did i get this rent free in leafia’s head

I think that he’s being way too over-the-top regarding his anti-town behavior to be a wolf.

I get that it’s a TWTBAW read, but yeah.

I love jester roles myself.

I think we’re the only to people who scumread Kyo

idk what you are sofint/doing

im asking you

how did i get this rent free

yah me too

not gonna wagon him today anyways I want italy and mode gone first


hes like seemed so out of it this game. He comes in and makes an occasional good post but he’s been lacking. Reminds me heavily of Insurgency.

Well except the ridiculous claim

Has Kyo claimed

I don’t think he’s claimed anything yet

YOU ARE NOT RENT FREE IN MY HEAD! NOW STOP F***ING SAYING THAT!!! Get your mind in the game or GTFO! I’m sick and tired of your antics and you’re legitimately ruining the game for me.

no he hasnt claimed, thats the main difference i see thats what i meant

I tried to iso Alice and I got bored and gave up

How about the fact she shot Napoleon and he flipped scum. How do you read that?

Slight town mostly NAI