[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

i can Ob light is the ita target for today and if he flips what he says he is we shoot kyo agreed?

Can you tell us the info you got instead of just edging around it? Christ.

it’s possible that it activates abilities

I’ve designed a similar role before

If it ITA’s give flips we 100% kill light here.
Sorry but your reasoning is bad but I don’t think you are KP due to the willingness to be killed yesterday throwing off my read.

Do you believe it’s more likely that hippo yeeted himself or someone else yeeted him
If the latter, why did he say farewell in his final post? Is it possible that he didn’t have tmi on the matter
If the former, what do you think he was if not neut and why

Kyo is not a guaranteed shot. It’s just my assumption that Hippo was neut.

But, yes, I can see why y’all would want to shoot me. Whatever.

yes bbut from what, u said it was almost certain



is this a thing you as a mod are encouraging or is it a mechanics thing.

also, i refuse to use the word ‘hang’
i have nothing against the history or connotation against the word in particular, it is just utterly horrible, in a grammatical sense

This is just empty speculation. Who do you think would kill Hippo?

The only way Light is telling the truth is if Hippo self-cleaned himself as Mafia

I have mech info suggesting neutrals do not exist

I’d rather resolve n.1 / solic situation first
being so gung ho about shots is going to fuck you over

mod of this game*
gm, or whatever

So, if I’m not KP, why would it matter if I visited Marshal, just wondering?

I said I WAS almost certain. Like, in a personal sense.

well how do u feel on the apathy iso?

Personally I was waiting for someone to claim neutral and catch them out on it
But seeing as someone’s entire claim relies upon a cleaned flip being neutral

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yes but where are u drawing that conclusion from. Something made u think that