[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I have information neutrals don’t exist
If someone claims neutral then they’re scum
If I die that information is probably not being released

Since I am certain I will be dying today, I am going to start doing ISO’s on everyone. I ask you to give me a chance to post them before you shoot me. Obviously if it’s been a few hours and I still haven’t posted them, I’m just stalling for time.

Why does this bit trigger me?

Which is what I’ve been saying here. There’s no way Kyo and L1ght are both villagers here.

too much mechanics


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PKR GTH who would u ita today if it wasnt kyo/ob light

honestly man i really do not function well in this large group of people. 200 post backlog and my eyes start to glaze over.

i guess one thing, is that whoever you were trying to get iminent reads from back then, i quoted it i think. i dont like that they couldnt honestly answer what their reads were in the moment. even i can do that, even if the answer is basically none.

I have good reasons to believe the odds of Ici being scum are quite high

GTH? Just checking what that means first.

ici’s posts lack the spark that town ici usually has
so I’m not against shooting them

I get that theres a lot posts, I want you to focus in. I was talking about N.1. If u could read them, its a shorter read then most and I want ur thoughts, literal guttural thoughts

gun to head

Also idk if Mist just disappeared after one post or if they are just eating still and answered a random post

idk how to explain it but it feels too pathetic to be their scumgame?
that’s the vibe I get

maybe I’m missing something but it has obscenely low energy

and why are you dying today again?
this feels like one of those things that was said only maybe once or twice earlier on, and from then on was only referred to as ‘that thing’ (or an analog), and never really described again, to the point where an outside observer who was not there for the initial period, cannot figure out what it is.

lets not make this anime fm where we litterally avoid killing them for so long if they aint doing shit

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come on now

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I don’t like the situation we are currently in. I don’t like it at all.

Simon literally hasn’t been bothering to read the thread.

I mean the thing is Leafia, we weren’t in the best spot with the incident where Mist flipped Dat after being insulted out of the thread.