[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

The sentence below me is true posts the following post in the leaving thread:

I’m sick and tired of being constantly insulted every time I try to play the game. Just because I’m not an “elite player” doesn’t mean my reads don’t matter, and the fact that ROBOTS are insulting me doesn’t help.

C’ya. Paradox out.

Hit! The sentence below me is true has left the forum!

They were:



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SDA - Scumlean - (Also quick reminder that SDA owes me both of his balls and his left buttcheek if he's town.)

Okay, so a few things to say before I start this - SDA claims a town flavor vig. It’s not impossible, but it sounds like bullshit. Also, they spent a majority of D1 tunneling me for no reason.
Another thing to note - why would you claim a claimvig?
They have very little progression on anyone, and then just jump to attack me. This looks like setting up a mislynch, and when he realized it was losing steam, he jumped off. Any rational person wouldn’t have taken the leaps he did. This was another reason I chose Marshal N1 - He entirely agreed with SDA.
He is also acting similar to his Hell in a Cell gameplay, and it would make sense that he wants to get rid of me, because I now in-depth how he plays as both alignments (scumbuddies in HiaC, and masons in Insurgency). It would also make sense why he wanted to nightshoot Seth - Seth flipped town. He could just mafia nightkill him, or maybe he is a mafia aligned flavor vig, and his nightkills are “banned”, so nobody could see that he pushed two town in the same day.

Alice - Townlean

It’s actually odd, because in most games so far, I’ve had Alice pegged as town whenever she rands it. I’m just not feeling it this game. She’s lacking most of the emotion she usually has, and her carefree attitude has turned more into an “intentional disregard” attitude. She’s jumping to a lot of illogical conclusions. They’ve also been overly aggressive towards certain players, and then just stopped pushing me once I wrote a readlist that called them town. There is also the fact that they are blatantly disregarding Leafia’s similarities in gameplay to Insurgency. I don’t know if she’s trying to be nice, or long-term buddy-buddying, or what.
However, she has been participating in events, and was ready to do the lie-detector test, so those actually outweigh most of the negative aspects.

Leafia - Scumread

Major scumread on this slot. Started off good, and then just kinda pocketing anyone she could in order to be townread. Very similar to her Insurgency gameplay. There is also the fact that she pushed Mode, who is one of the players that knows her playstyle best, and then, come D2, had a super-fake reaction to it.

DatBird - Townlean

I maintain my previous read on Dat. I was very thorough with it, and I have not seen a reason to re-eval. ISO me if you want the reasoning.

Centuries - Slight scumlean

Mostly gut. Kind of reminds me of myself in HiaC. Uncomfortable scum, just trying to meme along and make some half-hearted reads, go “haha but why (explain your reasoning now)” type of posts. A weak starting game, an okay midgame, and then going back to shit quickly.

Moleland to Mist - Townlean

I townread Moleland before the sub-out, and I have already said why. If Leafia flips town, however, this goes back to a nullread, because much of my reading on them comes from the interaction with Leafia.

PKR - Slight scumlean

Mostly gut and tonal. His claim is also bullshit. Alice sees this, but hasn’t stopped the push on me, pushing her deeper into null territory.

Geyde - Slight townlean

230 posts, and not as much content as I would’ve liked, but he picked up later in the day, and didn’t just fall in line to everything everyone else is saying.

After this sentence, ITA sessions have started, and I am going to rush through now.

Sulit - Townlean

Already gave my reasoning, ISO me nerds. Cloned was a consensus shot, no reason to scumread them for it (or townread but whatever).

CRich - Null

Originally thought they were in their usual careless, oblivious villager mode, and it’s still possible, but they seem to be more malignant than before. Still possible, but not much on them really. Haven’t really contributed too much. Shame.

Solic - Townlean

High level of content in their posts, wants to be heard, not just going with the grain, has own opinions, good enough for me.

TrustworthyLiberal - Null

I’ve given my thoughts on them multiple times, I can’t seem to really get a solid read on them, sorry guys.

KyoDaz - Slight scumlean

Were vague about their mech info, went back and forth on whether it was 100% confirmed or not, etc. Feels like their little ploy to keep their mechinfo was bullshit that they could pull out to use on whoever they wanted and make it whatever they wanted. I haven’t gotten any real good vibes from them this game.

Just to note, they are not guaranteed to be scum. I do not have mech info that Hippo was neutral. That is just my personal speculation. TL trying to set up a thunderdome between me and him is not a great look.

Icibalus - Slight townread

If Insurgency told me anything, it’s that Leafia’s a nerd I can’t read Icibalus too well. However, they seem to form their own opinions and stick with them, even if they don’t gain traction, which is a good look.

Apprentice - Townread

Spewed town from Nap’s flip, fuck you if you wanted more.

N.1 - Slightest Townlean

They’ve been acting pretty similar to their town games, what with their focus on mech and shit at the start, and have been pretty commonly scumread. I haven’t really gotten many vibes from them this game, and they haven’t posted too much, so I’m not super confident in this one.

Simon - Slightest Scumlean

They seem to be willfully ignorant of the chat, and then chalk it up to “meta lol”, and that seems like an excuse to not give reads that they know will be shit. Tinfoil, once again, weak.

Frostwolf - Slight scumlean

Haven’t seen too much good things from them, and then just piled on me when I gained traction with little progression. Did not show up for EoD, which is a bad look.

Anyone else did not have enough posts to show up in the "frequent posters" category, so they need to grow a pair and also go fuck themselves.

Ami - fuck you, fuck yourself - scumlean
Techwolves - fuck you, fuck yourself -null
Nerbins - fuck you, fuck yourself - null
Italy - fuck you, fuck yourself - LHF null
An_gorta - fuck you, fuck yourself - null
MaximusPrime - fuck you, fuck yourself - null

…you could have used this shot to clear the PoE.

Why waste it on a fucking NPC?

maybe that bot isn’t controlled by anyone?

wait are people legit shooting the bots

bots are shooting other bots

bot not being controlled by anyone would be pretty close to bastard
like having host be able to shoot people is not cool

How many times do I need to say this?

NPCs are absolutely controlled by players, that’s what’s making the vote/ITA people.

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Yeah so people

did light really put me as f me twice?? despite me being confirmed town at this point…

got it ty

I beg your pardon?

Some players are shooting the bot that tried to shoot me with their bot.

did i miss something here?

It’s still a wasted shot anyway. PoE needs to be cleared out. ITAing bots doesn’t clear out PoE.
Come on guys don’t waste the brain you were born with.

im basically confirmed for the moment xD not out right confirmed correcting myself

In no motherfucking way are you confirmed what the fuck

I beg your pardon?

im confused what did u do?

…how are you confirmed?