[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Light what do you think of Kyo

Also if Kyo flips W Alice is my next shot

Or Geyde I’m p sure at least one of them is W/W with a W Kyo

I think there is at least one scum between you, him, and PKR. Maybe more.

I do not think that Alice is scum here, due to their participation in events and lie detector.

Tinfoil; PKR is regular scum watcher who saw Light+scum visit marshal and is using it to frame light and push the myslynch

Not really a tinfoil, as multiple people thought that as well

Alice is too high level or a wolf to read them off something like that IMO

I haven’t read tho

Gonna shoot Kyo as soon as ITAs are back

i mean… there’s kinda… a watcher… who kinda saw him…

I usually recomend it, but it was a pretty terrible like 700 posts

I already made this

Like I said I didn’t read back

I read the posts from like just after I left so I got like the start of PKR claiming the watch but didn’t get much further

This event better not take forever

Rip thread

Event has ended.

You may now talk here.

Yeah uh let Alice talk about it

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Can we have our ITA guns given back now?