[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Yes, but Kyo didn’t shoot themselves at all.

So we were gun-testing in that event and we told Simon to test as many guns as possible so he’ll kill himself instead of us wasting KP on him.

He refused and even after we told him that he should either shoot himself or get lynched that he’d rather get himself lynched. Considering how a villager would always take the opportunity to self-resolve themselves rather than take a mislynch then Simon is pretty much outed.

oh, nvm

7 8 9 + should be done by towncore

he was reacting to you i think

/Vote Kyo

Guess I get to wait till tomorrow when I can ITA again

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So cute!

/vote Simon

Boo. Can’t even insult properly.

/insult Simon

If their scum why don’t you ITA them

/vote Simon
die, bitch

A reminder that votes go in the voting thread.

I honestly kinda love you this game

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that is still locked IIRC

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Read the fucking thread.

I used my shot already.

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/jettison Simon

I don’t feel like it

Mod announcement: The voting thread has been unlocked.

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