[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

He just isn’t tho

dont think they are on the shotlist, i wouldnt recommend, anyone else u would want to shoot?


split thread

im still rent free so im fine with leaving them alive

Yes, see Anime FM where I intentionally threw myself at a Dragon in order not to get ML’d d2 so the village could kill Ici, the actual wolf.

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shoot in my shotlist


Sure. Why not Ami? Know that the next four shots will miss though. We know that due to the event.

i tried to remind myself during the night to make a case on leafia

i woke up at 2pm

will be making that case right now

You play much more competitively than Simon

What’s your point

but you aren’t simon
you are projecting your playstyle on a different player and using that as justification for why they should play like you

And this makes you 10x scummier.
We said we would not discuss this on purpose.

again reminder ur town mindset is a lot different then simons. Even though i hate a lot of his play not everything hes done is wolf indicative. Sure its not for the betterment of town but for his slot. I didnt enter the event am I scum?

Projecting that people should play to win isn’t at all ‘Playing like Alice’
That is ‘playing like anyone’

if you are going to scumread simon in good faith you should cross reference their play there with the rest of their iso this game
I don’t think their play there is AI

Simon isn’t good enough at the game to understand the play, I let him go for now but if by the end of today he hasn’t done anything worth looking at you know where my shot is going tomorrow

…that’s literally what every fucking villager should be doing.

Like, it really pisses me off here as if Simon’s actually a villager then he’s just fucking us up by pulling this bullshit.


We still have who killed marshal to figure out

There’s no case to be made because I’m not a wolf. What do you have against me Ami? Why are you aggravating me so much?

He’s a selfish player refusing to adapt their play to the game despite people repetitively telling him not to with 0 game related posting who is only living because “Noob town would do this” when in fact even as town I wouldn’t keep him alive

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fucking shoot solic
or n1
or italy
or ici
or in that wack ass claim thunderdome

do what he’s doing*