[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

i have nothing to apologize for really

not exactly my problem you got that mad about the same comment being repeated

Im done tunneling simon.
His style of play is infuriating, but I accept that I stand no chance against a huge wall with my bare hands and also that this style of play in terms of extreme denial in the face of social demans is nai for him



you do realize that tunneling them after saying this is pure bad faith

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i’ve come to terms with that now
i hadn’t before

Oh, but you do. It was flat out mean and didn’t show any regard for if I enjoyed my time playing this game or not. You’re nothing but a bully and a troll.

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Yeah, I don’t think he genuinely believes the SR on Simon.

honestly if i had a dayvig and could shoot anybody rn it would be N.1 after that post jfc

your making me like Leafia more

When you hurt someone unintentionally, you apologize.

i mean

i want to say sorry but it would be disingenuous which tbh is worse than not saying sorry

it’s kind of a ptsd-like trigger for me, like eevee was in a 9p game b/c of F11

why do i become most enraged at those who insist on 100% mech contributions, 0% social contributions? Because i tried that in SFoL 53 and mafia academy. Both times it absurdly blew up in my face and I was the town LVP both times

yes i tunneled simon for that because i was so angry and frustrated. now since i know he’ll never change, it’s time to do something else

apologizing should actually mean something

not something to save face with

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Close enough to a sorry to me. I forgive you. Just no more saying rent free in my mind, okay? Unless you’re doing it to call me town.

So what are your SRs as of now?

On this note, the phrase ‘I love you’ is passed around too often now as well.
It means nothing.

solic and leafia, who i’ve explained before
kyo, because my gut tells me hippo was neut
pkr, because he claims an ability that seems absurdly underpowered to me, even on town. Also he’s been vague in responses a good deal.

N.1 and Solic get called out by Geyde
N.1 srs Solic
N.1 seeing Simon Train led by Alice
N.1 gets called out for it feeling fake
N.1 no longer think simon is evil

Dude I feel like if I compare N.1 and [Insert player here] he would sr him. Is it just me?

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And honestly, if you dayvigged N.1, I’d be pretty happy as I’m pretty sure that he’s a wolf.

No and if you’re going to shoot someone, that someone should be Simon