[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Not even

If you don’t even believe Kyo’s claim of no neutral why are you believing that targetting Marshal is gonna achieve anything?

No, but there is a decently nonzero chance, and an example given. There is also the fact that Seth turned up a “non-paranoid” whatever the fuck, so I’m worried about that, too. Lastly, it would essentially be a vanity wagon.

We arn’t getting anywhere with this train of thought we are running in circles.

Centuries i know you mentioned you saw my name mentioned in other peoples posts one that i scum read but have you gone throught my posts at all not like there is much to see just curious if your judging only off others posts but not the individual player?

My expectation was a “You are the same alignment” sort of deal, which would then say that Hippo was evil/neut.

I didn’t have it all planned out, okay?

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Also there is a none zero chance that he has a messed up sanity.

Iiiiiiiii just said that

Kyo was the one claiming loudly they have mech info no neutrals have spawned this game. If anyone flips neutrals then they lied.

No and it’s mostly because you’re the person who was added last and was just put in to round up the Mafia team to the correct amount of player which, like I’ve honestly not even seen that part but in Napoleon’s flip there’s only 5 other players right? So if it’s Yakuza then there’s 4 others I guess? But then the whole thing was just reading ISO’s of low posters and seeing what I can get from that

No thats just a name for the role Paranoid Gun owner not a sanity thing

Uh… okay

Well no with yakuza would still be 5 as it converts someone as it dies

the issue is Light just accepts to believe whatever helps him out in order to survive I feel lol

I’m confused

Yeah but it’s harder to get the convert

I mean Seth wasn’t being obvious town on D1. That’s why he was policy lynched as he is usually obvious village/wolf when he plays. Here this wasn’t the case.

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But honestly outside of Sulit Ici the rest is way less certain and it’s mostly names that popped up frequently

There’s at least 5 mafia. In a game that started with 31 players, I don’t believe it. The usual ratio seems to be about 1 scum:3 town, so possibly 7-9 scum