[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

i feel completely lost

i have no idea what the fuck happened before i joined thread
someone please help

I’m planning on reading it deeper
It’s something that stuck out to me in a skim

Why are you concerned about their progression in comparison to yours

/vote toaster

that was a typo I meant to type “does sulit’s progress feel different from normal to you”. I just don’t know if we’re allowed to edit typos

… Are you saying they are scum or town here?

That would be acceptable Marshal. After all, putting a bit of pressure on Napoleon could lead to useful reads for town. You’re right too N.1. If I play like I did in Insurgency, people could jump to the wrong conclusion that I’m a wolf again.

Also, I’m not an acceptable vote because I’m not a wolf Moleland.

im not saying they’re either
i’m saying that they’re playstyle so far at least to me seems indistinguishable from the level of laziness and over-confidence that helped them to skate by as a wolf in insurgency
i’ve never read one of their town games though, so it’s not really my place to say how scum-ai that is for them.

Then tell me one of your scumbuds and I’ll vote there


Becareful of those splinters

I’ve been reading Nappy’s entrance again. It feels bleh but not very AI. What is more concerning to me is how he kind of just left for a while after getting pressured (but I mean I leave for like lunch and stuff so I don’t want to condemn someone for that).

I’ve rolled wolf with sulit like twice so I’m gonna claim to be a god reading them

Lemme read their ISO

Now that i’ve given up meta for good, there aren’t really any elements of my play that I feel confident on besides tunneling in the moment
that was a post that made me want to lash out because it reminded me of things i had seen before

Either you think meta is relevant, in which case mention it, or you think it isn’t in which case it is either meaningless fluff or mud hurling you can’t be held accountable for.

Pick one

I mean meta matters and it doesn’t matter. Some people can be heavily read based on meta alone (i.e. Seth), some people it should be used tentatively, and some not at all. It’s a case by case basis not a blanket use

please understand that this is hard for me
i’ve committed to giving meta up because i’ve finally come to terms to the fact that it is personally physically impossible for me
but because that’s all the meat of my gameplay has ever been before, my first instinct is always to revert back to that

Mole, I’m town, so I don’t have any scumbuds. What makes you so sure that I’m scum?

I mean … I think I can handle pressure pretty well as scum so that’s should be AI
