[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

read my FAQ

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I get a guaranteed alignment check tonight :clown_face:

Unless y’all kill me, of course.


I have weird mech to talk about.

I need to read up first

I really should be in the event. It feels as if I’m being ignored here.

oh good, i feel like there hasnt been enough mech talk today


They said first ten unfortunately u were 11

said no one ever

Wait not Kyo I’m a dummy


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It’s just like I already outed most of the mech and now I’m noticing even more weird bits about it

sulit I’m a bit dead here hen
If I live through this I will be incredibly surprised

/in :cry:

Wait I was being shot? oof

Thanks for saving my life I will now worship you until the end of my days nerd @Hippolytus

I knew you weren’t town. I fucking knew it.
