[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Prince, jail Alice

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I will grab the posts gimme a sec

Found it, never mind

Nerbins do you have some sort of information that might save my ass here


You traitor…


If I was 11th, why is my post literally the next thing said after the event was announced?

Insults will be processed after the event ends

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Hey Frost I would love some reads bud. Its day 2

Nerbins where’s your head at on who we should kill and why? Do you have any hot takes?

refresh your page, this is a lag issue.

Ok then you should be thinking that Alice or a scum mate (If she is wolf) cop checked or lie detected you. Not claimvigged. Claimvig is you claim, then you die, you go bye bye.

So far only me and… who else claim TI?

In case you haven’t noticed, I pretty much interacted with people.

It looks like lag screwed me over because my in post was first. I should at least get some compensation for this.

Yes but I’m not a clairvoyant, so her claimvig would’ve failed
I’m a 1-shot masonizer

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And? I still want reads

no, you shouldn’t. The forum publishes posts as they’re published.
All lag means is that sometimes published posts don’t appear right away and you need to refresh to retrieve them.

Ok I guess that makes sense.

I can’t do so easily on my phone.

your post was published 11th. Nothing you can do, so stop wasting thread space with your moaning.