[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

thank you simon
if this is legit i might reverse my stance on never playing with you again if you’re town

Nap wasn’t. The only leader so far that died was Chemist.

I’m fine with it in two doses.

Kyo/n/PKR/Frost/Italy/Simon Depending on wall/and solic

tbf its not a wall with coordinated direction, iso’s and such like someone might do. its literally just me going through the backlog.
but like it is better content than i had a chance to get to yesterday and d1 and such

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Partly why I’d rather have you alive right now. Especially since you seem townsided.

Okie dokie. I’ll check… N.1 and PKR. Assuming I didn’t waste my ability.

Post it now.

Also did the earlier event the one with guns have a prize and if so who won?

alright im about to the point where posts were made when i started this thing, so about 800 posts back. this is from when i left last night. its going to be in a drop down so it doesnt take up multiple page lengths. yeah im sorry but it is massive

there was no prize
it was russian roulette
no one died

Prize was not dying

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Alice claims a neutral role.

I vaguely remember Firekitten stole all the guns until the event ended

the wall

But that would be in the interest of a scum sided neut as well. Lots of town Cred for the price of outing someone who would most likely be outed anyways.

Or. You had an indication regarding the state of neutrals in the game and took a risk. Or, heck maybe you are a neutral, and were told that you were the only neutral.
Neutral claim vig? It’s not something we haven’t seen b before (even if you are a flavor claim vig)

My disappointment is immeasurable…
And my day is ruined

But if it would be disingenuous then you don’t? Want to apologise?? Like necessarily. What makes it legitimate is the want to make up for ones mistakes.


Maybe it’s time for the pkr claims power role anti meme, pkr claiming underpowered.
As I recall pkr used to claim power roles a lot and I remember scum reading him for that, so maybe he modulated his play in an attempt to not be scum read. I’m not entirely sure whether this would paint him as scum or town, as neither side wants to be scum read so it’s possible either way, but if I had to guess that’s what is motivating his play here.

Honestly, I’m inclined to believe that this is the truth (that he believes this to be true, not necessarily that hippo was neut). It feels like too outrageous of a claim to be anything other than what he just assumed to be true, and so didn’t look at it critically.
For the first bit of this post, I don’t know since I do not recall that initial explanation

That would also make sense.
It depends on how it was worded, so now we look to kyo to see whether the wording had something tricky in it like that.

This tracks with what I was thinking earlier to be honest. This feels to me like the hip thing was just something he innately assumed to be true, and now he is backing up that realization after the fact.
Weirdly though this doesn’t feel like tmi. I don’t think N was externally told hippo was a neut, and that he slipped up and is now backtracking. It feels more like an assumption, that instead of being like “I know hippo is neut” behind his words in the first post it was “of course hippo is neut, what else would he be?”

I’m terms of this, I honestly don’t really know. I’m waiting for some more stuff before I take a stance either way

I don’t like this post. I don’t really think it’s scummy on it’s own, but I don’t like what it promotes. N here is discussing his take and is doing it relatively calmly. Even if you vehemently disagree on said take, he’s still promoting discussion. Which I think makes him not actively griefing anything. And I think you should be a bit more accepting of people who disagree with you.
To be clear I just read that and I want to clarify that that isn’t me attacking you for the thing earlier (“oh, you should be more accepting” he says like a snob, taking the moral high ground. (Again to be clear this is not what I’m saying because that is really pretentious imo))

Again, more and more this feels like something he just assumed was true and then backed it up. Apparently it was because he was unaware of an alternative
As well, slight tr on N here for how quickly he accepted that

I see what you mean here, but from what I’ve been saying I really think it was a genuine, not tmi related, mistake on N’s part, that started this discussion and promoted them to bring up the according Mafia role.

You know, I don’t only talk about mechanics. Most of that was responding to yall. Mechanics I think are just a nice way for me to get into the game so I know a few things, and can start properly understanding posts.
Because due to the whole not directly saying anything, it’s hard to get anywhere from most posts if you don’t already have a starting point. Now that I know a few things I’m able to figure out more implicitly from these posts.
And as you see im generally able to sense motives fairly easily, but it tends to be in a complex way that doesn’t simply ascribe itself to scum or town. (I tend to see motivations for either side, in relatively equal measures)

How would y’all rate the possibility of a revenant-like situation?
Hippo “suiciding” day 1 which actually just shifted him into a different mode of play. Still don’t think it would be town-aligned as he would have revealed this by now, but it would rectify the situation of why he would suicide: he was forced to, so he made a meme of it.

I mean you realize that I haven’t really had a chance to do much up until now, as I had been focused on defending myself basically all the time I had been online so far, right? I essentially made an opening or two that were focused on mechanics and the rest had been responding to the people constantly pointing toward me. As I’ve said I really was not able to focus on making content of any sort while I was doing that so I was essentially trapped.

Wouldn’t that indicate that Marshal is on his team, not sulit? As he would feel like he needs to answer sulit properly, but he would feel ‘safe’ with Marshal, and so not put much effort into his answers there.

I’ll try and understand why it make you mad a bit better, and in doing so explain myself a bit better to you, if you also try and remember this a bit better if we play again later, and in doing so be more readily accepting of my explanation.
(To be clear, I’m not trying to be hostile here and offer you a fake deal it something. This is me actually just trying to extend the olive branch a bit)

Heh. Do you use the windows default snipping tool too? I recognize the defaults.

(Unrelated to the discussion between these two)
You can lean on mech in closed setups, you just have to think it through a bit differently.

big paragraph on this that would clutter this wall

First, acknowledge the possibility that what you have is wrong, and that it can really be anything, and there’s no way at all you can know for sure. Now, gauge how likely it is for that to be right. Do you think somebody with a misinformation ability had reason and ability to target that information? How likely do you think the host is to mess with that stuff? Other, similar questions. Now make your statement, modulated on these probabilities instead of “x visited y so x is probably scum” think along the lines of “x most likely visited y so there’s a good chance x is scum”
And importantly, update that probability as things and your perception of them change. Do not assume it to be that way in the future necessarily. Now take this piece of evidence and compare it to your others, social and mechanical, to make your read.

ok yeah but like why does that make them likely to be on a scumteam with them. like i understand this is your reason for that, but what does this fact make that likely, is what i dont understand.
even if its not what you believe now i want to know your reasoning behind this.

yes, but what is your mech info, or did you only say it once, maybe twice, early on, and are now assuming people would be able to get it from implications alone from the majority of the thread (when thats really not feasible).
im going to quote whenever i see it mentioned at all so you can see what it means. so basically, im actively trying to gain this information from reading the thread from here on out, and i will show you how that does/does not work out.

“due to the situation” does not tell me at all what light’s results are.

this does not tell me at all what light’s results are.

so lights information had something to do with conversion, and yet people think the hippo thing would go against this? best guess i can make from what ive seen so far, but i think thats unlikely

yet you dont say them here.

ok cool so there could be conversion anyways, and thats not what your results are. still dont know what they are.

oh yeah, i remember something about something being an effective parity cop somehow, maybe thats this. and it apparently needs to target two people, at least one of which can be dead? maybe it detects if the two people are the same alignment or not? but thats just a direct parity cop, just in a different direction than normal. so maybe. still dont really see how hippo would go against this.

joke about N.1 being in the game, even though you meant Number 1, not the person

so its a parity cop, but it detected a neutral, in 2 uses? somehow?

‘for some reason’? you were right there with her going off on me!

i think we need to look out for the people advocating for my living now, that turn on me later when my play has time to shift.

its a play on the standard fm role ‘paranoid gun owner’, a role that attacks people who visit them. variations like choosing when that happens and whatnot are there, but thats the core mechanic of the role.

responding to the rolecard more than this post really, as this is the first time im seeing it.
it seems this is where yall have been getting the 5 scum number to start with. well id say its unlikely that 5 scum is all there will be this game with that role. id say almost definitely there will be at least 6, probably 7, maybe 8. whether this means through conversion, starting amount, or a mix im not sure, but thats the amount of scum im thinking of from this role. i dont know how starting scum numbers work out balance wise (especially with this size) so im not taking that as an influence on this number.

but if he was already going to die, why would a town hippo post the thing like that? how would the role force him to do that, if he was already going to die soon? i still think hip isnt town from that. a town hip would have given more clarity on that, something like ‘im going to die soon from another role’ maybe ‘im not conforming to its demands so i will actually die after this post, but even if i did i would almost certainly die anyway’

wait then how does it work.

except for kyo’s info, id push for the possibility of there being two scum teams, and napoleon’s passive triggering for either team. it feels like something eevee would do, although on second thought with the relative abundance of flipless kills, i think its unlikely anyway. eevee wouldnt do that and also make it so that he wouldnt have an indication that his passive proc’d

i will say again that i did not really have the room to do much else

on this note. alice said that i said i wanted to die by execution.this was not the case. i said i would not intentionally die without giving town information. i was willing to test guns and die in doing so, but i was not willing to test an ungodly amount of guns and die, without giving concrete information. so i asked her how i could give information, and she said to test two new guns, so that is what i did. the thread then stalled for a bit, so i went to somewhere else, and got caught up for a little bit. (cannot explain further, ongoing game elsewhere on this forum) and when i came back the event was over. also in that time eevee revealed that we could test multiple times. had i come back before the event ended, and had i realized that we could test multiple time what i would have done was incrementally test two more at a time until i died, telling you guys each time. this would kill me, but it would give town a lot of information, including 1 of 2 ita shots that would be guaranteed to hit.
however as i said i got caught up, and so did not do this, sorry.

yakuza is a day thing and that says ‘most’ meaning it does not preclude flipless kills in the day or flip kills at night
how would that in any way mean that there is no Yakuza

looks at total posts tfw the amount of posts between me and being caught up has increased since i started this wall

im going to say that even if yall are dead set on killing me, i might be a better target for the noose than an ita.
and i know how much that makes it look like im trying to mislead yall into executing me instead of ita-ing a scum me and then executing me but that isnt the case (i bring it up because alice brought it up earlier regarding event 3 and me)
i do legitimately have a reason for this. im not going to explain it here, but i thought it prevalent to bring up. should it become necessary i can explain it in a few separate levels of detail, depending.

(thats not frost)

i mean depending on when that was (i forget) he may have known in advance that it wouldnt hit, making it more a show of force than an ‘actual’ ita in terms of motives and whatnot.

well i cant, but it seems we have it from two separate sources, which adds to it’s credibility. its possible both are lying, but im thinking thats unlikely

if im counting right this is the fifth after event 3

why would we have multiple yakuza in the first place.

well i mean. it supports the idea that theres a GF in the game sure. but its easily possible that a scum gorta saw that there was a GF earlier, and is now just repeating that. imo it confirms you in my eyes a bit more though.
i say this because i dont know why people are taking you as confirmed town, and the fact that its most likely not sufficient evidence for you to be confirmed in my eyes. sorry but i have a policy of innate distrust in consensus town or ‘confirmed’ town as determined by the majority, until they hold up to my, much higher standards for being confirmed.
im explaining this in more detail than i would normally (i would have left it at the sentence starting “i say this because”) because i know there are a lot of people who haven’t played with me before, and would not know that this is an established policy i have due to my own history.


what ici said

normally i wouldnt have. this is a much too large game for my general liking, and i tend to prefer more off-the-walls games mechanics wise. and if it werent this particular game, if it weren’t community FM, i wouldn’t have
but community fm is special. i wanted to be here for this one.

i get that. but its more that my kind of play (no i dont mean only talking about mechanics and nothing else. if you think thats just how my play is please read some of my defense elsewhere in this wall or just elsewhere in the thread.) can start to come into relevance later on in the game, when there are less players, meaning my bad skills when it comes to reading up is less of a downside, and when more mechanical hooks for me to use for reads have been put out there. and yes i mean using a bit of mechanical stuff to make ai reads. it can be done, i have already done it before.

tbh im liking ici right now, so ill keep going through this, but i might have to skip ahead soon.
im going through posts slower than they’re being made. this is part of why reading up when theres a large log is not feasible for me. either i dont have the mental ability to do it or it takes way too long (been making this for the past few hours)

i believe thats 6

tbf ive gotten out of being ‘this deep’ in poe before.


He knows.

All i ask is it to be in details. Otherwise I would probably just finish catching up

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Oh I’m very much aware of that thank you very much

the first post is in reply to something sda did. forget which post exactly

I have been fradulently lied to on my rolecard
Either Alice is lying or I’m able to masonize neutrals