[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

marshal already said he’d be out for blood to kill marshal

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You also threw out tinfoils as to potential flavors as well

that is an exception

I will try as hard as possible to elimiate the Marshal role

everything else though still applies

@me you better watch out nerd

Okay there’s one thing that concerns me though it’s not the Marshal vendetta

Mech wise nothing much aside from some NPCs that are voting for people and can receive votes from anyone.

Other than that it’s just been people making reads really.

Someone please help my computer will not let me post


cheese and napoleon are 90% wolves here.

i’ve granted you 2

you are welcome

we’ll be playing simon says later on but with very great confusion over who simon is


“rolefishing is a scumslip unless it’s done by me”


I’m illiterate gimme the short case

You wish

read either of their isos

can relate


i dont have time to do it
just explain
you dont even have to quote

This is the post

what part of “I’m illiterate” do you not understand smh

Jumpstarts their ISO after their opener with an easy calm that doesn’t need to show that much of a thought process beyond pointing the finger at a weak opener

Weak reasoning justified by read not being on lock
Would say they were trying to point attention to Italy but that is not backed up by iso

Sequence is a good look since it puts their neck out there for scrutiny and doesn’t feel forced since they are spreading their attention out a lot

This progression makes very little sense
What app posted in meantime

Doesn’t look especially bad but doesn’t strike as locktown proof
Forced or doing something mechanics based
Either way find it bad

Rest of stuff like this is takes I’m okay with
Out of the box but logic is there

Slot seems better than on glance
But they don’t expand on takes much