[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Can you stop insulting me? It’s unbecoming and doesn’t help your case.

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The entire damn reason for my role is to work as a balancer in case either side stomps the other, and town opened up the game by killing one of their two PRs, so of course I’m going to fucking townside.

Because I’m fucking tired of this shit-tier play. “Oh, just a 3p claim, idgaf about their wincon on play I just want them dead cuz I’m literally braindead and can only solve through claims instead of reads.”

It’s simple, if you’re town here then your play has been absolutely shit-tier.

Why are you so convinced that I’m wolf when almost everyone else can see that I’m town if you’re town? You’re better than this. You’ve scumslipped so many times while trying to push for a lynch on me. It’s almost TWTBAW at this point.

Fun fact - dragons change colors depending on mood.

They are green when something is hurting them and pink when they are thankful for helping them.


That’s real cute. I think my play has been just fine. Thank you for your constructive criticism.


love this!!

Duh, why the hell do you think I claimed here even though I know that I’d have braindead twits pushing me because of the 3p claim? Kyo was trying to ML light with that gambit so I outed him.

Because you’re a wolf,… duh

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I’m gonna be honest, I love this start to the event because the dragons are awesome.

I already shot Nap and Kyo pretty much flips W in almost all cases here.

What have you done, Solic?

Event signups closed, creating topic

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You know it’s bad when the neut claim is asking what someone did for town


You know, I should stop playing video games while this happens

You know it’s bad when you have people like you listening to her

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You shot the outed counterclaimed scum. You’re parading it around again.

I wasn’t on the town wagon day 1. That’s all I got to show for so far :man_shrugging: Nothing bad either though.

Alice’s claim of neut matches up exactly with my read on her so

I had Nap at the bottom of the readlist.

You didn’t bother pushing anyone d1. If you’re V you’re literally not playing the damn game.

So from your point of view Alice is a shining ray of hope for Town
As a neutral
Because she’s not going to push her own agenda at all is she

My agenda is to kill both wolf commanders.