[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I mean I think if he just searched for every pokémon that has the number 119 for a Pokédex number he’d have seen it anyways

Eh, agree with that even if I’m not too gung-ho on Solic.

If you want a pelt vote N.1. He’s a wolf for sure.

Oh, let me change it to can you shoot N?

You can’t hit Italy, because you’re in the same group, so you’ll have to hit outside your group like N for example.

wait i cant we both are pink

also that was to italy

Then shoot N.

Yeah, N is a blue player.

Should Fire at N.1

Should fire at Italy

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/insult n1


Okay my Italy shot is gonna be epic

This feels exactly like what PKR did to me In FE


Let’s hope for a hit.

oops @Hippolytus check replied to post

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kyo cant target alice tonight

both are blue

I did not admit to TMIing him. I’m just giving him the benefit of the doubt. Now stop trying to throw shade on me. I’m not fully certain that he’s a wolf while I’m fully certain that N.1 is a wolf. How is that TMI that Kyo is town? If anyrhing, if he’s town, you’re the one with TMI that he’s town.

whomever swapped pkr, i dont suppose you could swap alice or kyo now, too?