[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

coins? was that the promise?

We need to start using jettison.

I was far too focused on defending myself from PKR’s assault. It’s how I tend to react when attacked regardless of my alignment. Things got way too heated I think and when that happens, I don’t think straight.

I’m pretty sure I saw that somewhere. But either way we need to use jettison.

No I have not, but I do see in my PM that PKR was damn livid at Leafia though.
–I did read the gist of the deaths and the fact that votes are on the other thread as well.

Well, I haven’t read anything at all. So I’m giving you one chance to explain it all to me.

Read the PracGame on MU, then read the 2 games where I got forcefully subbed out.

–and tell that to me again.

Quick, someone use the lame read on asking Zone what he did last night. :upside_down_face:

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I think so too.

Agreeing with Solic. Quickly, what did PKR do last night?

Zone you joined the game?

who did you replace?

Well just as a general advice for everybody, reminder it doesnt feel good to be pushed, I know the feeling, but as being pushed we shouldnt lash out back at them. I know im not the shining star at this, but i think its something we all have to remember, people do have emotions and we should not try and hurt other.s

  • Mist got Event ITA’d.
  • Cheese & Napo got blasted with the Flying Pumpkin.
  • Hippo died & revived through event.
  • Seth got [BLEEP]ed.
  • Marshal was NK’ed.

…I’m honestly surprised there was only 1 death. I’d expected more. …I also expected more deaths through ITA than just 1 NPC.

You’re completely right.

What are your reads Zone?

got dinner see ya

Watched Marshal and saw 1 visitor.
–this is a useless ability.

Yep. PKR. Which is a damn shame considering I wanted to tunnel him. …actually, I’m gonna tunnel Leafia instead.

Oh found it this is kinda sad honestly but i get it hugs for you PKR.

What do you mean my reads? I just joined the game.

oh my god I know your ROLE

Cool thats what PKR was doing before he left might wanna unvote yourself btw.

Wait no I don’t nevermind