[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Use whatever term you want
The post’s vibe is out of character for you

This is me claiming post 1337

cough cough the fuck cough cough

[quote=“Marshal, post:843, topic:81930, full:true”]
@Napoleon your iso is full of shitty 1-liners that do nothing.

Now that’s not immediatly a scumlock but looking at past town games there’s always… something there . A real attempt to solve .

I play based on my mood and I don’t feel too focused right now.

I don’t deny I’m playing out of meta but:

  1. I can fakesolve as wolf. I did this in FoL27 and to a certain extent, in SFoL61
  2. Metareads are unreliable for me, or at least, these types of metareads (I was LHF in RM4)

I think there are better ways to read me as wolf according to meta but these aren’t really things that I want to share as it may be used against me in future games.

if there was someone I thought did that read wouldn’t be BS would it

I will start focus solving.

But when I feel like it.


say what you want


it’s very true and mostly comes from me not wanting to mis-tunnel someone who could possibly be mis-tunneled

if he’s villa i’ll know as long as he tries to solve

bud my brain is so burnt can u just say it

would it be too tunnely to call this a discredit attempt

Then why are you trying to play defensive and say you can’t read me like this when that’s not in your best interests as town

Chloe has been replaced by Toaster TrustworyLiberal

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Mist seems town

(Call me one liner man :sunglasses:)

I’m joking mostly

but no there’s no one in particular I think has TMI yet

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Depends on if you were trying to make a point

that implies I know what I’m doing

I don’t know you well enough to assume such a bold thing

Why the change of heart on this game
What gives i you ou the signs that you need to make that post in the first place

well, nice to meet you


I always promise low-effort and then end up having more

the only time I kept that promise was bastard++

geyde you know me I just get sucked in by FM