[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

/double or nothing

Sigh… figures.

Wdym by double or nothing? Can we bet? Or what’s the deal?

do we lose coins after the end of each auction or do we have to save them for later ones?

@Leafia can you do me a huge, huge, favor, and write an ISO on N.1?

Idk Iv been pushing Kyo all day but who knows

Okay so can someone explain to me why N.1 is our first shot out of the blues. I think I’ve missed something mechanical lol. Hes been consistent in pushing leafia and solic most game, with p good reasons, and has actually been thinking with regards to my situation.

He also seems p isolated in thread. Can everyone who wants him dead explain why they think that.

Italy responds:

i didn’t see a difference in the forum when you left



Kyo claims self-resolving, and we give self-resolves the night to do so.


OOF That’s brutal

Here you go.

Here too.

im sorry but u gonna take that Solic?

The reasons were not good.

No we don’t

Yes we do

His leafia reasons were very good imo

I can dish it out and take it. :man_shrugging:

His push on Simon felts extremely fake.

Plus, regarding isolation he tends to bus a hell lot, so I wouldn’t say that this is too AI-ish.

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Idk if leafia bad but you can’t fault him for that push imo