[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Who died in the event?

simon goes for n.1 I guess
molemist dropping off the map doesn’t feel great (also don’t think they’ve shot either)

disclaimer: this is flavor, not actual disciplinary action

Public Moderation Log

Posted June 8, 2020
1,586 replies
Last reply: 2m
This thread is locked.

Yesterday night, we became aware of a severe game integrity violation affecting multiple sites. Five users registered for the Mafia Champtionships under a single alt account, with the stated goal of “outdoing Flow.” While normally we do not moderate for incidents that occur offsite, further investigation revealed that the account @eevee_bot is similarly an alternate account consisting of all five users. Given this, we have no choice but to ban all of these users from our site, effective immediately.

Selected Comments:

anyone notice how only ONE of them was from the User’s Union? so much for the Judge Alliance caring about the rules

The rules are written ambiguously. Anyone could have made that mistake. This is like punishing someone for screenshotting their role PM and posting it in the thread.

…you know that you’re not allowed to do that. right? right?

stop yelling at each other aaaaaaaaaaa


KyoDaz has been banned.

Zone_Q11 has been banned.

Centuries has been banned.

N.1 has been banned.

oB_L1ght has been banned.


what the actual fuck

five players

We just goat boats-ed.

wait I’m alive wtf

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what happens


apprentice who else survived

I thought everyone aside from Hippo got blasted

Me I kicked N off the stand I think

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Dat looks like

it appears to be literally no one

i forgot who else was there there was 8 of us and 5 deaths

WTF HAPPENED i said no one kill zone what event did i miss

I think top 3 lived aside from N?

what happened