[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

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can u link it, my heart is beating way to fast

he asked nicely

i missed a line ree

Eh, kind of not wanting to kill Solic rn.

Also the level of hesitation he had on Simon points to not likely W/W.

fuck i cant remember who marshall visited

so did u watch anyone visit last night

Now will everyone get off the Leafia wagon considering I pushed yet another wolf? I told everyone that N.1 was scum.

angry italy noises

the fact that the 3 of us lived is actually fucking huge. We probs would’ve autolost if N. nuked 7 town with him, but now we at least have a super reliable towncore to work from

marshal protected alice
and that’s literally it

im acc p sure it wasnt alice tho

You literally just jumped to the Italy wagon when N’s wagon was picking up steam.

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but it might have been i honestly cant remember.

I forgot u cant even view pms, so i didnt bother writing any of it down

Geyde’s pretty spewed town from start of day I think. It doesn’t feel like him bringing so much pressure on N. at start of day was an attempt to bus

religious intent

Yeah totes agree

Feeling better regarding Dat/Solic rn.

I agree, altho both geyde and N are known to bus and distance a lot im p sure. I’m okay with Geyde living for a while tho, I’ve liked their tone since D1.