[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Yeah really think Solic is V

also only cleared-ish people are allowed to go for 1

Idk If i should buy now or wait for aucion 3

Slightly fixed that one so it makes more sense.

Me too DatBird.

I would go for the cop if you have a lot of gold

I have a shit ton of money but I’m saving it all for the last one.

I could be outbid by a few, but I have enough, We will see

I have a decent amount but not great. There’s probs a scum with more than me

cough italy cough

i might bid on the dayvig

They had a fairly amount of substantial interactions with N that don’t look partnery in the slightlest, so I’m fine with putting him in my TRs.

Hey guys LMAOOO

I won three things lmfao

I bid 5 coins on everything im dying


Well I just went double or nothing twice and won big. Im at 2400 gonna put it all on cop check

Yeah, I think Simon’s just fine. Wolves don’t make these overdramatic “If x is town I’ll never play with them again” comments towards their partners.

the event luck is so broken

I have 5k coins now

ok I lied I’m fucking broke how are you so rich

Tried shooting Italy

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