[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Yes not like it’s worth anything anymore.

Something has happened

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Good because it’s worth a lot. Because if I’m right in him being a wolf, it’ll help clear me big time.

An unidentifiable voice insults Ami!

Shocked at the voice’s words, Ami writes the following message in the leaving thread:

hoes mad

Ami was…



Town Imperial Physician
Imperial Guard :shield: (Night)- Each night you may target someone preventing them from dying that night. You cannot target the same person twice in a row (Infinite uses)

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Well if I am alive tomorrow I will be sure to state it

thats not good…

Wait who shot this has to be a wolf right?

That happens when you claim I reckon

ok the main reason i will agree to shoot ici after doing a quick read thru his iso is that he’s doing a lot of useless mechanical speculation and is acting stupid like here

also he could interact with more ppl rather than just pretty much spouting bs

/insult Ici


This doesn"t seem like a villager though

Yeah Frost can die.

When did she claim?


I’m basically fucking dead

It has to be a wolf.

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town protective died
I’m a very likely night kill

put 2 and 2 together

What in the hell is this

Ici responds:

Your insoults are nouthing compared tou thouse ouf people at my schooul.

(this is a joke about British spelling)


Like I agree, but I would of expected hippo tbh