[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I definitely suspect Frost of doing this to frame Gorta. The timing was just too good for it to have been Gorta that took the shot. I’m viewing Gorta in a slightly better light due to this honestly.

shot on townread player
that’s totally from town vig

hes asking people to claim the kill if they did it. Cause otherwise its evil

wait why would u out urself as delayed cop tho

hey man, im just calling out rolefishing when i see it

Cause I targeted PKR and he was likely getting shot so to avoid the kill I outed also cause I was also a likely shot was hoping having a check going into tomorrow would help

but thats not rolefishing. If a townie shot Ami not only are they an idiot, but like its something that needs to be noted, cause otherwise we know mafia has some type of day vig.

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Agreed and that thought is a scary one.

Something feels off with wording but yeah this.

Frost should be killed by any town KP laying around he is very likely wolf KP.

also wolf day Vig make stage 1 night kill make more sense

Welp took long enough for everyone to pile onto me.
Forgot this was a game of FM for a bit.
Will have ISO’s of other people in the POE, and I already have Italy’s so leaves Ici, Maxi, Frost, Gorta and Mist, right?

bruh you’d be more useful when you weren’t outed but alright

how long have you been reading up for

Read the whole thing

boi how
also if u dont mind, a quick summary?

I don’t live if I don’t out here and my results would be useless otherwise.

Look at the word delayed there I need to wait till D4 for any information.

Also frost works as day Vig cause opposite team as Ami

You talking to me?

yes, who else

That was a wolf kill there. As far as I can tell, Ami was read as a villager in the thread. She was never in PoE.

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Summary of what happened like last few hours or what

Plz don’t quick edit, Discourse acts weird when that happens

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