[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

thinking your slot is acting strange because of my memory of a game where you were driven as town

cause like this is something she brought up against kyos no neuts thing. The mafia wincons mentions killing neuts. So if shes telling the truth. They have to kill her, as she seeks them harm. But if shes just fpsing she just called you out on his oracle not oracle

grammarly is great sometines, changed kyo to you that or its 240 and im tired

i want to stay up for the auction results but like its getting hard to stay awake

I also don’t know how it’s physically possible for us to miss 24 ita shots but I guess it do be like that though
Also my rolecop claim was a fake one just to draw reactions and I have no fucking clue why anyone believed it

i think i make it to 4 thats it

listen to the fe3h soundtrack

insurgency had a way worse hit rate.

it was pretty obvious but I kept it up for maxi and nerbs

I want to just throw out there the Frost coming in Ami dying like right after and him dipping is like super sus. But im probably jumping conclusions. Gorta could have easily done it as well with his terrible read on Ami. It could also be watching scum not interacting with thread

Nerbs’s response should be AI somehow?
For one, it doesn’t seem like they’ve actually read up on all of thread, which isn’t that ai
being deflated after someone claimed a redpeek on someone you townread earlier is noteworthy.

frost makes less sense for ami death and not anyone higher in chain like me you app or hippo. But like idk he hasnt given like 1 solid read so i cant even tell if he sred ami or not

I’m super for you copping them

Skimmed near the end, probably how I missed it

he claimed it was claimvig, like that made no fucking sense. Ami never claimed

No reason not to believe you, you’re in the towncore

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I feel like we have an air tight poe day 2 which feels so fucking bad, cause either we are being led by wolves, or scum played not to their best. I guess the second can be an option as someone should have mentioned to Napoleon about the cc that easily could come out, or N. being tricked into reads (dont get me wrong he killed four town but like he was obv wolf atp at least to me)

That’s true. He is. I thought his cop claim was genuine.

Geyde real shit, take on gorta’s readlist

did you fine something gamer