[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

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That interaction makes no sense

wait ur talking second auction arent u. No thats bs.

Thanks Eev

I bid on everything for the first one and t n everything in the second one


At least one person tried to buy something from the second one ??

This. Nobody bid on those two so I got it.

I bid on that. and it got canceled

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Would still like an answer to this in addition to your thoughts on PKR/Zone, Alice

that doesn’t make sense I bid on both

I’m not sure what to think anymore.

Datbird bidded on it
Sulit bidded on it

you can’t expect me to believe it when the event literally says they were cancelled instead of saying that the prizes would be coming out

I bought the mystery on the first round.

Since according to Eevee nobody bid on the vig and cop then I got it by default.


Of course not. It’s most likely both were villagers.

If eevee was telling the truth, they’d be going back on what they said earlier

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no, thats bs

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Alice goes in poe
maybe they don’t get shot immediately, maybe not

I have no idea how the fuck the event went. I just bid 600 coins on the Mystery Box and then went to bed.

When I returned Eevee told me that I won the bid on the Mystery Box so I got the AC and the vig.

Like legitmately i been yelling at eevee all day, cause I wanted it and even prequeued an action if i won. But then it was canceled. Thats bs and u cant tell me otherwise

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Then how do you explain that I got an AC and a Vig?