[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

To the wolves, no. To me? Yes.

I’m one of the best PR hunters on the site.

yo stop trying to figure out who chloe is there’s literally no point lol

whether or not alice knows has no bearing on anything cause there’s literally no way to prove it unless she outs it which is fucking useless

unrelatedly, has techwolves said anything important or share any info yet or nah

Please stop claiming that you figured out Chloe’s identity that early. You aren’t doing yourself any favors.

I’m not trying to figure out who Chloe is.

imma stop for the night gnight

beep boop I know who Chloe is

now shut it on this conversation topic

I’m towncasing myself based on a NKA.

I fucked up hard this game and I’ve likely miscleared a shit-ton of wolves rn, so it’s reasonable to suspect me as this is like the worst game I’ve had in a long while.

This is performative

Marshal had n1 as near top town and a decent number of town in the bottom spot (if kyo / Ici v is to be believed)

That ones weird I give you that
I or one of the locktown gang were most likely targets

Also your roleclaim wouldn’t have been protected given your claim yesterday and it was threatening to scum
What gives on that regard

or I’m pretty sure I know who Chloe is at the very least. anyway this topic doesn’t get us anywhere.

do events still happen? or is it just straight up regular FM now?

Claimed 3p as a way to make wolves not target me like what Intensify did in SFoL 61.5.

Dumb? Yes, but that was the optimal move for me to CC Kyo while at the same time give me cover to prevent myself from being SPK’d.

For chloe topic I have a very pessimistic view
There are very few teams that wouldn’t be able to easily call Crich as non chloe

I think I know who Alice thinks Chloe is and I think she’s right.

CRich literally ate Nappy’s claim right up.

So I’m kind of like
Okay this probably means something’s actually fucked up

I think this is a dumbass conversation topic

like I yell at y’all for mechanical fluff but now we are openly trying to fish for the top town PR

is voting thread going to open up? @Arete

Here’s the thing. I obviously would know that CRich isn’t Chloe.

So why would a wolfteam with me in it kill CRich?

Alice is right.

In RM4, what happened and why was there a no kill on n2 (iirc)