[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!


ur 99% town so i’m not going to push it

i’m just slightly salt that I didn’t win

if it’s some sort of dayvig or peek i’d probably say it

if it’s a protective or some other sort of utility i’d probably not

alright I got a random 1-shot green peek. Essentially I get told a random living player isn’t a member of the mafia. I asked if this affected a godfather, but wasn’t given an answer.


Ah nice. Now to decide when to use it.

use it now imo

would be very useful on a PoE person and even if it’s not on PoE, oh well

So you can’t pick the target, right?

No point in not using it now unless you think you want to thin out PoE first
Tbh it probably is best now since we are uncertain on highest number of slots

yeah it RNGs among all living non-mafia members

Phrase question like

Does it count investigation immune mafia as mafia?

I say use it now.


Btw whoever aided me, you don’t need to do it again. Use my readlist to guide you if you need to know.

Yeah I’ll ask

Other word for godfather is investigation immune

I usually use the term GF for it.

or ask if the target of the ability is garunteed to be town

waiting for answer and then I’ll probably just use it

They didn’t get a response for asking strictly gf
So I’m going other route

In any case this discussion probably isn’t worth all too much

Me too.

if you don’t get an answer for invest immune ask this

if you get no answer for this they’re probably intentionally being annoying