[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Why not?

Nappy being in thread inconsistently is NAI, so yes, the self-meta is valid.

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I can explain any of my reads in more depth

Would scum really want NPCs to be confirmed scum aligned? They just get shot then.

i don’t particularly care about the content of the post, wolves can mostly throw out whatever reads they want at this stage

it’s just that the structure is intruiging to me

You should analyze my highly AI-Indicative meme posts

Leafia, I’m kinda iffy about your spot right now.

How do you feel about that?

That’s right. alignment indicative indicative posts. We’ve evolved. Catch up or die.

Or you could like… Not meme?

Having shots be sank into NPCs seems like a valid wolf strategy unless they have absolutely insane ITA stats, to be honest.

no hecc u

I gathered up all my thoughts and put them in a post

I mean, sure. But I think Wolves would prefer ITA shots by town at town.


Btw I’m no longer fine with you scumreading me over that when you made the exact same comment except with just more words. From having caught up to here now, I’m townreading you, since you have similar takes to me.

I found the Sulit take weird and you even reevaluated that a little later.

You can be less rude about posts as well

does anyone else feel this way?

Wait there’s ITA’s in this? Lmao that went so well in Insurgency. Can we get a R.I.P for the neuts?

From what I can tell, Mole is just generally aggressive.

Why does the site stop refreshing randomly?

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Bad attempt to townslip?

cuz bad