[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

mist who did u guard N2?

didnt someone watch marshall or something

no one

I went “I’ll read up and submit my action later” then never did

it might be me for ironic value

god mists claim is so dumb i want to kinda townread him for it

/insult Simon

out of above list

why wld scum bother claiming to bodyguard the only person who died N1?

PKR and he only saw ob visiting him.

But PKR also claimed to be only be able to see a single visitor, so meh.

@arete @eevee @Firekitten

i should make a lolwolves image along the lines of the selfvote and ate image

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why did you choose Simon out of them in particular may i ask? You havent paid much attention

I actually remembered some of his posts from D1

also, bold of you to assume I’ve paid any attention

What about them that you didn’t like?

you reread d1 even tho u replaced in D2, yet you didnt read days you were actually alive in?

I read D1 up until I died

oh yeah i forgot u died lmao

You were more active in your other slot, is there a reason for that?

had less external stuff to focus on

really I shouldn’t have subbed back in but the meme was too good

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pfft mist might actually be town but also im kinda bad at reading inactives and am a sucker for believing ppl lol