[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

liking this is openwolfing

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oh no not this again

A lot of people have done it, feel free to try and pull more

tempted to like it just out of spite

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Probs V as well. I felt like he was relatively more villagery than how he was playing in Insurgency.

I am clear because my play makes no fucking sense as wolf
I’ve taken several opportunities to kill wolves when I could have created more chaos or done nothing about it

@techwolves how?

he was like
a villager there though?
it’s possible we’ve been misinterpreting how his meta works
but i’m not going to go all in on this
i’ll quickly backread N for obvious shit

oh I see. Tech did claim a neighbouriser. Is anyone a pokemon lol?

I think I know two off the top of my head

…this doesn’t really confirm people as a wolf neighborizer is something I can realistically see Eevee putting in the game.

techs only reads post is scumreading Simon lmao.


mole used to be mist
this is certainly more evidence than is neccecary to make Mist be a VERY likely w flip, since i get the impression that it’s almost… too explanatory, to the point of it assuming mole’s allignment, in a weird way that doesn’t lead to anything

I’m a pokemon.

Ici/Leafia are “cleared” by greenchecks
There is / are (a) known godfather(s) according to CRich’s info
CRich was incredibly unlikely to be w on w kill
so it should be believed because lying at that point has no benefit to crich

Leafia is cleared for being an obvious PR, calling me w is slightly more acceptable but also don’t do that, we’re assuming far too readily that a godfather has been peeked at this point.

or if you want better evidence the flipped mechanics oracle says there was a godfather


im shooting ici i think.

There’s a lot of ‘sort of’ clears here
So there has to be something wholly off with this