[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

can confirm am not wolf lol but ping me if u need anything or w/e

also if leafie isn’t chloe (which i doubt) then theyre definitely in my poe

That’s what a wolf would say too.

to confirm, lynch is plurality yes?
just checked op and ~first reply and cant see it mentioned

Yes it is. Majority doesn’t exist.

1 Like

homie it was like 10 posts down


r e a d

was going to say simon wagon is kinda big

but it is just… the towncore

and someone with a doublevote idk what that’s about I’m not going to question it

Neither am.I and going to.bed now, so good night.

I’m probably going to sleep through SoD unless I happen to wake up really early. I don’t really see anything changing at this point though

end of day*

EoD is at like 8am which is probably the worst possible time for an EoD

simon’s wagon is huge and im not sure what to think of it :grimacing:

Host announcement:

I’m going to bed soon, so if you have an ITA shot/day ability/etc. that you want to use that you would like to be processed Soon™, you should use it now.

Can I shoot regardless of faction? @Arete

Mechanical questions should be asked in class cards

/insult Simon

“Simon says… nothing”


Simon says nothing in response to this insult.


:man_shrugging: how surprising, sleep well

how the hell did the Mole/Mist slot survive last night

So what’s your PoE now?

Simon/Maxi/Mist/Tech with the ceveat that I am definitely wrong about somebody.