[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

see this type of “maxi has a regular revive and is going to revive tonight obviously” is what made me suspect it was a maf skip and you’re only entrenching yoruself deeper on my scumread list buddy

It still feels kind of like a moot point. A like cop is basically useless this setup except for deciding on ITAs, which are over.

Yes but the point is it should have happened

The fact it didnt, is off to me

Probably due to me already knowing I had the least amount of likes although I’m not sure why Eevee never gave me a result.

Never once have you explained why you didn’t try using it last night. You’re constantly avoiding the issue by throwing Shade on me. Now you’re claiming you might not have a revive when you said you had one earlier. You’re scumslipping so hard right now it isn’t even funny.

cause i can’t

i literally can’t LMAO

If it was fake, I would’ve claimed a result anyway. Especially with how few likes I have.

I don’t know why Eevee didn’t give me a result either. Not entirely anyway.

tbf you are assuming a lot and putting some pretty shitty tinfoils out there

assuming again

i never said i had anything

only said that it was related to reviving and y’all assume you know everything

scumslipping when not scum OMEGALUL

You either have a revive or don’t and you hard claimed that you had one earlier.

…I still think this point is a bit moot. There really isn’t any backing to why the night was skipped so the only thing we can do regarding Maxi’s revive claim and his theory that Solic is behind it is speculate regarding it.

Would probably just keep analyzing past interactions rn as this argument is leading to no conclusion.

You’re right. It isn’t.

I’m not assuming anything here.

You literally hard claimed that you have a revive and that was the only reason that you thought scum caused the night to be skipped.

what lol? where

pls quote it


When it could easily have been used by a villager that didn’t trust you to stop you from reviving scum if you want to go the route where it was used to stop you from reviving someone. I’ll admit that it could’ve been caused by scum, but you’re spewing out way TMI that it was a scum ability when the possibility exists that it could’ve been used by town too. I will agree that Solic likely stopped the night actions, but I don’t think he’s scum.

On re-read…

…I want to brutally murder Ici for this post.

It has a ridiculously disingenuous and performative “woe is me” and “can’t make reads cuz everyone is acting so NAI” feeling that generally comes from wolves.

Right now either Ici or Maxi is the lynch to make today.