[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Nah. I’m not doing that. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out what I am doing.

You literally claimed that you’re trying to trick the town.

Tell me how exactly I’m trying to trick the village. It’ll be interesting to see how wrong you are.

Alice, tell Ici that I’m not a wolf and can’t possibly be one.

Alice isn’t going to save you.

Wrong thread :eyes:

By throwing shade on both App and me to get town to think we’re wolves. Isn’t it obvious? You’re trying to make it look like I slipped up to make me appear wolfy.

I remember talking with eevee about game design and he said he might include a game where masons/desperadoes were effected by godfathering shit

but it depends on the wording. I don’t think that desperado = kills themselves on godfather (I was a godfather in JoJo and got desperado’d)

and kyo’s wording was not a cop check. it was a definitive “if they are a member of the mafia”

She will save me because she knows I’m v.

Ha. No. Good guess though. At least one word in that does refer to you. Guess which one it is.

Leafia is cleared by Apprentice, not Kyo.

Not after she reads your response to my arguments.

no, i’m saying that I don’t think kyo’s wording makes it have any room for godfather

Yes and App is clearly v.

Except he’s not.

You’ve been flailing in thread for 2 hours trying to prove that and not once have you come close.

You almost tricked me into thinking that Alice could be a wolf Ici and I give you kudos for that. I feel so stupid now for believing you for a second.

Pointing it out that this is pretty much all Sulit said regarding the shot.

She said nothing regarding GFs, just that I should be lock not Mafia.

You keep saying those words. I don’t think they mean what you think they mean.

I don’t need to prove what is already obvious to everyone. Your trickery won’t work here Ici.