[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I wouldn’t be too sure about that if I was you Alice.


me with my popcorn right now

If she was, then she’d be sided with us.

You’re a cute cat.

Host clarification:

All players must have locked a vote for the day to end early


Is there any way of changing a locked vote? If there isn’t, I don’t see the point in everyone needing to lock one in in order to end the day early.

and Mist and Leafia already locked in votes. Guess I’ll wait and see if tech/Hippo has some major vote fuckery


Wait. I should ask it in my classcard.

I had to go look for a dictionary to make this ruling but it turns out locked votes can’t be changed.


I am big sad that Leaf/Mist locked votes though

wait yeah you nerds could have waited to vote the NK but voted hippo lul why would you ever do that


Why’d you need to look in a dictionary? I think it shoulds be up to the hosts to d3ecide if there’s a way to unlock locked votes. @Firekitten

they’re called locked votes for a reason

We didn’t know she was the NK role. We also thought that the day would end immediately if locked votes reached a majority.

but I mean it wouldn’t have taken that long to get a good idea of who NK was. It wasn’t Marshal or techwolves so it was basically just between Hippo/Alice and Alice called Hippo out on openwolfing when he wasn’t. day ending early means squat if we the execution isn’t NK as well

i forgot bots could vote

I just realized something. If we have an ITA session today, we still have a chance. We just need to take out as many of Alice’s bots as we can. If we take out enough of them, then she can’t win.