[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

what if

i vote leafia today, and if the game is not over, decide who to side tommorow

is that fine with y’all?

we lose if you vote for any of us today

Just saying that my ultimatum is real and the chance goes to 100% of you dying if I can convince Tech to vote with me.

Their ultimatum is obviously BS as they’ve had consistent 1KPN despite people non-stop claiming.

so no it’s not fine, but we can kill you in return

can i just fucking avoid being spitekilled

I feel like i’ve played really well this game and I don’t want that taken from me

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that gives alice another NPC and guarantees her win

what if

we vote techwolves

When have you used your claimvig?

The claimvig is clearly bullshit as you’ve never used it before.

Plus, Eevee never puts claimvigs in his games.

so y’all can kill me but not the NPC

fucking sigh

there’s nothing I can do can I

I mean we need to execute exactly Alice today or we lose. The reason we can kill you and not Alice is that one of us has a delayed occ that will stop your jailkeep on the final maf member

leafia already locked on alice so we can’t

yeah we don’t have a claimvig lol



is there any way y’all can win here even if I JK correctly and we vote out a maf member?

well that and not executing Alice is a loss anyhow

Just pointing out that their strongman claimvig is a bluff as Eevee never puts this in his games.

VCFM we didn’t have one.

Mafia Academy there wasn’t one as well.

Nor in Anime FM.

There is no claimvig. They can’t kill you and this is a bluff.

I know your ultimatum isn’t real and let’s drop both the ultimatums. I hate putting this much pressure on poor Marshal. No matter what happens, he deserves a win too, so let’s agree that no matter who he sides with, we let him win as well.

yeah we don’t have a strongman claimvig. we have a delayed occupation to stop the jailkeep

My ultimatum is real. I can back up my threats easily.

no claimvig but we do have a block and factional kill

so we can just block his JK and kill him