[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

how do you think we won the rand on Mode/EVO? I rigged it

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App is right about that too. It’s one of my abilities that I didn’t mention.

Also you’re all implying that Tech will vote with you.

If he sides with me, Marshal dies 100% of the time here.

lmfao no it isn’t

Your bluffs are getting harder and harder to believe.

I just believe in the heart of the cards



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Exactly. If I didn’t have that ability, I probably would vote one of them. Excepty I locked my vote on you before the day even started Alice.

quick vote Alice ayayaya

Just saying that you’re not the only Kingmaker here.

Oh wait. That’s right. App was the one that rigged it. I keep getting my card mixed up with his.

Leaf we don’t have rand rigged lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooo. I’m just good at coin flips

Vote Alice and have a 100% chance of winning Marshal

They literally can’t win and the game will end before they have the chance to kill you as I’ll have the overwhelming majority with my bots by D7.

nah don’t lie to him. he has a 50% on Alice and a 33% if he votes one of us. he ain’t a dumbass, he doesn’t think rand is actually rigged

can we vote one of the bots

i will highkey vote a bot

it seems like the most neutral of outcomes

Except the game will be over by then as I’ll have 5 votes and there will only be up to 4 votes against me.

The game will be called after today as there will be no possible way of the Mafia nor the Town winning.


Ask this to Arete.

if a bot dies, and we kill a bot overnight then we actually just have the votes to take out Alice tommorow. So Alice can’t allow this and will countervote you

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