[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!


I thought there might be some way of me winning if I voted y’all

you guys played well!

I just had to at least try

SMH I wanted Marshal to be Mod.

you killed our highest KP

wait was kyo actually LW

apparently yes

i think the event was planned before i subbed out (since i was the DatBird slot)

but it made me a bit annoyed to check and see that my slot died to that

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Tbh, that locked App as a villager after he bussed Napoleon. If it weren’t for me then you guys would won because of that.

Is your Dagan game starting after this or after VLDR? I can’t remember

i was still fucking right that you were clearing Apprentice for shitty reasons @villagers

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I think he’s BS’ing.

even if I wanted to I doubt i’d ever be made mod

Why you push me when you have my Flavour name?

Events were not planned in advance.

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It’s meant to uh pocket me.
You should ah done that.

You get a lot of credit. Sorry for all the pressure put on you.

Nappy after 5 posts in thread:

alright you’re gonna have to bus me

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Alice trying her best to Veto anything negative against Leafia was good of her

she knew Leafia was likely scum, and wanted to keep her alive

If Alice let Leafia die, mafia was fucked tbh.

VLDR so people don’t have to play two games at the same time.

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Well thnx I guess…