[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Lots of obvious town were targetted by town though

And when I get groupscum, I have to replace out because of external circumstances.
One day we will get our wishes. One day.


nerd translation for my FM play


roll me neutral or I riot

No offense @eevee , but this game sucked big time. The theme was nice, but I am pretty sure the only people that enjoyed this were the people who rolled wolf. The town was full of just plain newbs who sheeped Alice and that’s how they lost. (also how in the hell did App/Leafia roll scum twice in these minimashes I swear) I won’t say I did super well, but I called out most of the scum this game and no one else listened

I still have no idea what the hell Hippo was thinking by killing Maxi at the last second.

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Also mb, WoW mafia is next.

Marshal and Derps game is pretty much a mash. It starts after FOL 28

that’s not really eevee’s fault that’s just lolvillage


town could only kill her via lynch
and she basically controlled the lynch with her trillion bots

Like, reeee, gimme Noot.

This game could have been worse, Eevee wanted spec chat to be able to choose who rolled what alignment


That’s not eevee’s fault, though. Town did this to themselves.

Wasn’t because of the mechanics (mostly).


Hasn’t Alice rolled Noot in two consecutive mashes now?

That is the towns fault.


that would have been an actual omegalul

Next time I happen to join mash here, I will be trying super hard to break the town losing streak (if I rand town, of course)

That’d be hilarious.

And then we put all the good players in the mafia


Eevee y?