[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

plz end me quickly before it happens

if your just going to take the surface level appreciation of my posts (believe it or not, theres is more to my play than mechanics as you know them) and not actually listen to me when i explain/defend myself, then dont bother criticizing me in the future.

i have no reason to listen to someone who wont do the same to me

Sure, I’ll listen. Defend your play.

Yeah but i had to out part of my role cause of yee. Twas annoying to say the least

this game happened
but I wish it didn’t


Did you make one of those bots ITA you?

her npcs, yeah she admitted it somewhere. I shot that one down

can we the rest of the classcards

they were good

one more thing

@Marshal i know now you weren’t NE, but even if you had been, you would not have been eligible for the club by winning the game

the only way to be eligible is to win as NK in a normal-type game (FoL, SFoL, Standard, w/e) or win 2+ Neutral Showdowns.

just keep hoping for an NK rand is all I can say. Again apologies for the disappointment.

dude I didn’t care it was all for show

obviously I wouldn’t be let in and I don’t think my fake class should have been


I FPS’d in banned chat to alice that i’d let you in if you voted for rand, no matter how the rand resulted

but she probs saw right through it. It was also false

I also claimed neut who had to kill myself along with 3+ others simultaneously close to the end
some bought it but alice didnt lol

Cries in terrible luck and barely any WiM because of umpteenth town roll in a row. (Not including ongoing games because angleshooting bad.)


Yep, did so to “spew” me as unaligned with them. I did manage to fool Dat and by piling two openwolfing bots on me I managed to get Solic to get off my wagon and ML Geyde in the process.

what yall tend to think of as mechanics play is an utter disgrace to the way i do mechanics.
3 out of the 4 anti mech stuff in this game would not have phased me in the slightest.
i work better in games where the setup is closed. yall’s definition of mechanics play does not allow for that possibility.
but thats not all that i do.
i look back, and i question. yes, i question. i do this partly to catch up on things i either wasnt there for or for things i forgot, but i do that mainly as a way of starting interactions. interactions based on information and the way information is conveyed are interactions i work better in. so i ask a question and try and get a few people to answer it. then i ask followups if i have any relevant ones. because i need to get people talking. because i am playing the odds. when people make a false assumption i capitalize on that and push back at it, trying to get at the cause and correct it. most of these people are town yes. because town make mistakes shockingly often. but some aren’t town. and the more times i see these from people who aren’t town.
like, day after i died when the night was skipped (a mechanical thing), leafia was saying ‘this is a town ability’ when there is no way in hell a town did that. the draw backs do not support the benefits even remotely, and even accounting for hubris it is incredibly unlikely a town would do that, and much more likely that a scum would. this on its own is not a scumread for me. because people make mistakes. especially on this sort of thing
but then leafia continued to do this stuff a lot from what i could tell, spreading a ton of misinformation. that is the primary reason why i scumread them in dead chat. not because of their play or their pushes, i dont have much of a sense for those. but i have a sense for information, and how it tends to be transferred from certain mindsets, but also how those mindsets mess up at communicating information. this is surprisingly consistent eventually for people not actively trying to counteract it, because its on a sliding scale. im trying to work in being overly obstinate/angry into this (to counter ate like im countering misinformation) but its a work in progress.
i also work for logical fallacies and false stuff that ways. if i knew more about wagonomics or other stuff on a real level then i could spread it there, but i dont understand most of that stuff nearly well enough to be able to actively look for it, let alone have an innate sense for it the way i do logic.

that is how my play works. main flaw is that it requires some level of cooperation (which everyone, even town, were giving me none of :angry:), and that it takes a spark for me to get my hooks into, and that takes time. i was floundering and not really looking for stuff because i couldnt look for those hooks the way i do.

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How do you plan on using that against high-level players? High-level players won’t use mechanics to spew themselves town or condemn others, they can use fake reads and good tone for that. This will only work against low-level players.

You mean it’d require a massclaim and everyone talking about mechanics…? These games are specifically designed, such that that wouldn’t work. If you only get one scumread out of your 330 posts-playstyle post-mortem, you should reevaluate the effectiveness in my opinion.

Also you should just really try the social deduction aspect more. It’s not always easy, but you really learn a lot from mistakes at the start.


social solving doesn’t work if people just play the same when scum and town :eyes:

You’re limiting yourself, by just saying you are a mechanical player. I don’t ignore mechanics either completely. You can look at the game in different ways at once.

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I swear next game im in im paying more attention


That’s literally nigh-impossible to do.