[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I doubt any scum would risk going on the boat ride, but I could be wrong.

3 players on my shot lists are entering, so yeah.

All of you are weaklings

/join event if still space

Hopefully none of the three survive the boat ride.

regardless of alignment I would do it and am doing it because it is fun

Death is for the weak

1 more person left!

A reaper won’t die. :man_shrugging:

(If I die retri pls revive me I’ll owe u for my life)

Why am I on there again?

I know that I promised to cut down on my shitposting, but…


Same reason I’m doing it. Also because it’s exciting.

@Hippolytus should I join?

If I’m revived over other dead boat ppl I’ll treat retri like a god

Pls gib towntell.

You haven’t done your towntell yet.

Do ittt

So, what apparent scumtell have I done then? :eyes:

/Join @Firekitten

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You always do your towntell when you’re town, so please do it.