[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

HUSH you doofkopf

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hippo town
his playstyle is infuriating to me but to the best of my knowledge he tends to spam more as town

What’s your take on Trustworthyliberal?

I don’t hate this take

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reminder: post 1696 is a lie detector

This is in 50 posts time

I think since N is here he’d be a good peek.

I was gonna write “Yeet 2: electric boogaloo” in it cuz I’m p sure u guys forgot but everyone wld be salty as fuck lol

ergo, use it for obvious big money questions
that’s easy as shit to take advantage of

such as players who aren’t easy to figure out normally

n.1 is an easy read

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Alright, let’s decide who gets the lie detector now. If anyone else takes, assume lockscum.

i’ve read basically none of their posts
I rarely play with them
I dont recall anytime having shared a game with them outside of BotF 1 (and we shared that game by them subbing in for me)

and since i’ve pledged to give up meta for good, that means i wouldn’t really come to me asking this question. The only way i might develop a read on TL i believe in is if I develop some sort of gut reaction for some reason or another based on their future posting habits

I would say either Leafia, Cloned, or Me.

I vote alice and if they’re right we sheep them and they pgo and we ez win

This will be a long read, but I am here and I will catch up later.

Like, the issue regarding waiting until a hard-to-read player enters the thread is that someone not paying attention may end up wasting the peek.

yah i agree with. hippo alice should get it


If we’re gonna get a fricking lie detector…

Sure then. If I can become a PGO+IC that’d be pretty damn awesome.