[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

Italy has the meta of not posting as wolf

Even if I spend half of wolf chat begging him to play game

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I kinda like how DB is sticking around

Will do

/vote italy

is there an event for sheeping, which is important in our community

PKRs been scum twice in a row. If I’m any good at maths (which I am duh) I know that this means hes more likely to be scum this game.

PKR is safe vote.

/vote PKR

I haven’t voted him yet, lockscum.


Is there a reward for ITA’ing a random townie who did nothing wrong :joy:

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Bro if their is I’ll be rich

Not how I remember Town of Salem play like that

Fk typing :eyes:

I seriously chuckled out loud.

I’m just going to say this, don’t.
I’m not going to be memed on this game or any other game.
I won’t allow it.

quickly hippo find the flowchart

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Ici, shut the fuck up.

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Mate, I killed someone and resurrected back to life.

Still lost the game

sulit seems very unconcerned about appearances. I give it >rand villagery sticker of approval


i’m sorry I had to make at least one flowchart joke

Apprentice scum

Thank u thank u

Hey like we should like just be nice in general and PKR has asked for that chart not to be brought up, so lets listen to his wishes

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…more NPCs? This is going to be… interesting, to put it mildly.