[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!


/insult Frostwolf

No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to move on from Enemy Within.

Frost, gorta, leafy.

That was my working PoE with Ici as well but I think I saw a list with green above for him so guessing he died and flipped green.

well, it’s probably just because I agree with it

I have an extremely crackpot theory regarding the shot on Ami, but did N.1 know who he would be taking down with him during that match?

His strategy literally revolved around killing everyone

Frost responds:


I’m not lying about PKR’s alignment. I’m virtually certain that PKR was scum. I just lied about having mech info on him being scum to test TL’s reaction.

Was he aware who he was going to kill so we can we safely lock App and Hippo?

he joined last I think so yes

Yes everyone in the event was the target, I trust hippo and App more than anyone atm

Like, we had no wolf dayvigs d1, so my theory involves someone getting it from an event.

Frostwolf responds:

If Enemy Within was a bad game, then why did people join Enemy Within 2 and 3?


I trust Hippo a bit more than I did before the event too. Now I’m glad that I didn’t join it in time.

3 was a pretty bad game, leader getting false killed twice was a meme

If someone alive can test alignments like Light could, test PKR against Alice’s alignment.

Should always focus living players over dead however

God, I wish Light was alive right now.

Quick question, many GFs did CRich said are in play?

i think he just said they existed, not how many