[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

we’ve literally had 1 KPN with people’s flavor claims out in the open which is crazy in a game this size

Eevee generally doesn’t use claimvigs in his setups, though.


I saw you typing.

I’m starting to think so too honestly.

That wasn’t a serious read, but his play regardless of alignment has pretty much been unacceptable.

Indeed it has been. You don’t just spank regardless of your alignment. I can see a jester spanking though.

dangit i had premade memes for that event.
wish i was awake

see i think im finally starting to see a new pattern in my meta. not really an ai meta but just a thing.
very often im in the poe, and its not very often at all im executed from the poe.
it seems im a cockroach of fm, surviving along the edges and skirting the noose
i was dead-on in poe mid day 2, yet i really wasnt that scared. there was general agreement perhaps, but it was really only one or two people pushing me, and a few people quietly supporting me.

sorry i took a long break. i can only really be on in spurts as this can weigh on my mind too heavily if i stay too long

not entirely. i discuss predictions and motivations. just not town-motivation or mafia-motivation specifically. my semi-natural way of finding out motivations sadly doesnt lend itself to that really.
but it can still be relevant. for instance in the wall i said that when N said hippo was neutral, that he assumed it to be true, but that specifically it was not TMI. nowadays it doesnt matter much yes but it can

Is TL a serious consideration, from within the poe?

wait wait wait hold on.
hold hold on.
is leafia dead? i honestly forget

all simon slanks nowadays. ive been phasing out most fm’s really. so i kinda have to do that if im to keep it up after this game.

ok i know we’re phasing out the L-word, but im really against changing up the acronyms. the acronyms are exclusive to fm and do not have the same history as that word. yes, when explaining them we might have to use the word in question, but it is fine to use the word in that context, for explaining and education. we can say LyLo stands for [x] (im only not saying it here for mech reasons.), but that we dont use that word anymore due to its history.
using words that normally offend for an educative purpose is allowed in many places for a lot of words.
for instance, while reading aloud classical books in school, we’re allowed to say the swears and whatnot as they are. its a public highschool so normally thats not allowed.

this important

im here for a little while

i mean, i got another use of ita somehow so there’s that if you want me to shoot

Read the fucking thread for fuck’s sake.

it takes me long enough to read up to where we are now.

Speculating is not villagery as it doesn’t show any thought processes whatsoever and does not advance the gamestate.


Fuck off regarding this and actually play the fucking game.

If you didn’t want to read, then why didn’t you just test an infinite amount of guns during the event?


Thank you for your amazing protection. Really saved me from being killed n1 there.

what would I have done without you

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because that would not have given town any information, just my death. i have said i would not do that.
however in The Wall I put a bit about my play there that you should really read if you havent already. i can find it real quick to quote for you. ill be just a moment

Yes, I’m dead. I’m a ghost Leafeon now. Oooooooooo.

And? You’re back into the PoE here again and you’re refusing to do anything this match.

bruh i lowkey want to shoot leafia or ici

I’m caught up. I saw itas are back. Cant remember if I shot mine

Something has happened