[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

@Marshal I find it weird Alice has not got angry or said anything about me shooting her “greencheck”. Do you think this is a normal response from Alice if someone shot her greencheck? She hasn’t even recognized it.

if someone shot my greencheck id be pretty salty. that actually happened last year (i outtted as cop to save someone and he died) and i was livid lmao

that must have ben 2 years ago damn, i cant even remember what game or who it was with

she might be biding her time waiting to see if it hits :man_shrugging:

I’d expect her to get more mad at “hero-shooting” tbh

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Everyone suddenly was silent after i shot Ici lol, i feel like everyone is waiting to see if the jig is up.

Only reaction I have here is that I hope that shit doesn’t hit.

As I said before I’d rather solve the current PoE over the player I green checked.

gorta flipped didnt he? Was he banned?

Flipped V from my shot.

his and maxis tones are the ones i like least, and his gives more info so :man_shrugging:

last game i followed consensus instead of chasing chloe and leafia who i scumread all game and i got fucked for it lol. if im gonna lose imma lose cuz i made the wrong choice, not cuz i just sheeped my way to a loss.

That’s literally why I copped him over anyone else like Tech/Frost/Derps as they’d literally give no info.

He only gives us info now you copped him, im not sure how much info he gave us before over like Derps?

And we know GF exists so yeetus.

Nobody has been interacting with Derps and the only thing that Derps did this game was tunneling two very likely Villagers that got banned and I.

I’m actually starting to see your point Marshal and Hippo. It’s possible that Alice is wolf here.

…if I were a wolf, you’d be dead.

Why the fuck would I kill CRich who spewed himself non-Chloe over the obvious PR?

why would anyone kill crich?

Because the wolves absolutely suck as PR hunting? Which fits in with my theoretical team of Maxi/Simon/Tech as they’ve literally haven’t been even playing the game.

That’s what I’m trying to figure out right now honestly. I’m not sure what to think regarding you anymore. It’s possible that you wanted to sheep me though.