[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I’m not buying that for a second. Why not explain that instead of throwing shade on me? He literally never explained why he didn’t try using his revive and now you’re townreading him due to him doing the scummiest thing imaginable. t!Maxi would’ve explained why he didn’t use the revive. That much I know.

Instead, he dodged the issue completely.

How can you not see this Alice? Maxi isn’t town.

His tone is shit, but I kind of want to wait until he uses this revive as it could lock him W if he uses it on N or if he uses it on CRich we at least get a villager back.

Yes, but if he has a revive then he’ll likely use it on CRich or Light to gain towncred then get townread before getting you and me mislynched and decimate the town. I’m not even convinced he has a revive. I’m convinced that unless we lynch Maxi, town will lose this. We can’t afford another mislynch and I think Ici is town.

…we aren’t going to clear him for reviving CRich/Light. It’s just that I don’t want the revive to potentially go to waste.


  1. You’re off the PoE and I don’t think you’re likely to flip W here.
  2. I literally can’t be mislynched as a desperado modconfirmed me V.

First off, why do you think Ici is a villager?

Secondly we probably have 4-5 wolves left with 12 players remaining.

Geyde and I are pretty much mech-confirmed V.

Marshal is only W in a crackpot world where wolves decide to NK their deepest wolf n1 after their deepwolf bussed Napoleon in the hopes that Marshal gets resurrected.

Hippo and App were high townreads and N tried to kill them. There’s no way in hell that a wolf would risk taking a deepwolf down with them like that.

Dat was less TR’d than Hippo and App, but I still don’t think N tries to murder-suicide a wolfbud like that.

From your own PoV you’re V.

So the only possible wolves are Solic/Ici/Tech/Maxi/Mist from your PoV.

You’re mech confirmed somewhat to be not mafia. You could still be neutral and a world does exist where the wolves suicide one of theirs to mechconfirm another one to be V, but I am 99.999% sure that you really are V. If that’s the case…okay. I’ll try trusting your judgement again and it’s because you greenchecked Ici that I think he’s V. The world does exist where he’s V though. Maybe I’m just being paranoid here. Okay. I’ll change my vote to Ici.

…I don’t think people are ever going to mislynch a cleared player on the off-chance that they may flip 3p in a situation like this.

But the point still stands. Regardless of if he revives CRich/Light or not I’m not clearing Maxi.

I’m glad to hear that to be honest. It means even if Ici is V, we have a chance at winning this.

And if he doesn’t revive one of them he gets lynched tomorrow 100%

In fact, let’s make it interesting Alice. We’ll make a bet. Winner gets to choose a new pfp for the loser and the loser has to use that pfp for a week.

The bet is this: I bet you that Maxi is a member of the mafia team.

I’ve also had something nagging on my mind and asked Eevee for confirmation and found that last night was the final chance that the wolves had to kill Chloe and get her abilities so that means that there’s no way that scum caused the night to be skipped last night.

…so why do you think that Maxi did it in the first place?

I don’t think Maxi did it. It’s not even remotely likely that he did. I don’t know who caused the night phase to be skipped honestly.

Heading to bed so good night. If anyone is even here.


Hey, Alice.

What the fuck is this post?

“let’s just leave the reviver around and see if they revive lock w, something that could only happen if they explicitly were intending to seal the game with N’s vote”

Are you sure you’re not a wolf?

So ur covering for mist, nice.


okay so you’re just going to read me w harder for this
but you’re the only people I stand a chance of convincing that I can think of off the top of my head

a bunch of wolfy-ass posts

this is a written record of every interaction N had with Alice. Do you want to know how many times N actually posted a read on Alice, a player he had interacted with and even backed up a lot?

Absolutely zero times. Didn’t even call her v in a pocket-y way.