[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I was glad you actually did things. You did manage to get many villagers killed. Too bad it came at the cost of sacrificing wolf KP.

Yes, congratulations DatBird and Chloe.


i want to see the stuff that wasn’t ingame
like datmod and xblade

Noooooo, kat!!!

And of course, GGWP to Alice. Sulit did mention that she could still be 3p, but she pulled through anyway and leveraged her accomplishments quite well.

Again, both Solic and Ici were suspicious of her, and Solic especially kept up the pressure despite her attempts to discredit him. Which is why I’m really annoyed about the pushback he received.


@hosts can I know what my evolved role would have been

the fourth person: :eyes:

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My fav moment


Also, the majority of the scumteam replaced out at some point.
Good meme.

is banned/dead chat public

Also, App and Leafia both randing scum again and both endgaming again is insanely funny to me.

this time
we were actually gonna strongman alice because she had bad reads and wanted to make it look like she was right :eyes:
alice can just never get a break

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Why was there a Mafia neighborhood? Why did I clear Apprentice for that in an eevee game?

How’d DatBird die instead of Marshal?

I was super confused when the conclusion was that both I and leaf were town…

Anyway, reads where shit but at least I didn’t kill several obvious townies.

I’m not quite sure what to say in all honesty
I guess it do be like that


The discrediting campaign from scum was quite hardcore this game. Alice especially.

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Alice killed DatBird

Marshal stopped the factional kill by roleblocking you

Yeah, I apologized as I think I went overboard with the AtE.